Code Journal

First steps : getting back in touch with HTML

May 20, 2020

As countless other people, I've been impacted by the total upheaval that was (and at the time of writing, still is) the coronavirus crisis. Whether it is breadmaking or yoga, it seems most (priviledged) people have been inspired to learn a new skill, or go back to learning one they had discarded.
For me, this phenomenon has taken two forms :

The biking has been going well so far. Not in the sense that I'm excellent at it and I've gone hundreds of kilometers since I've got the bike, but in the sense that I'm sticking to doing it very regularly and that it's likely to become part of my routine long-term.

I'm hoping to achieve the same result with the basics of coding.
That's why I've decided to put to good use the domain I had bought while in my last year of college, and create this code learning journal, just for me and the rare people who can stumble onto the website. What better way to learn some code than to tinker with it yourself ? I have fond memories of the time I put together a modest one-pager to put to practice what I was learning in class, so I figured I should do it again.

It's been ten days or so since I've reconnected with the basics of coding through the website W3Schools, that my college teacher used as a resource back then.
So far, I've been through a good chunk of the HTML sections, but I'm still very far from having acquired a satisfying handle on things, I still have to go through my notes. There are so many tags, attributes and specific syntax rules that I expect to need my notes for a long time, since I don't see how I could memorise it all by heart ! My hope is that this journal will help by making me practice, and that I'll learn through repetition.

Image : Italian Landscape with Umbrella Pines, Hendrik Voogd, 1807. Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, file found on Wikimedia Commons.